  • author Alexander Noah
  • calander Publish Date : June 21, 2024
  • calander Last Update : June 21, 2024
  • clock 23 min read

The holiday season is always imminent for small businesses. To make the most of the holiday season, it is essential to be prepared and thoughtful. 

Here, we will help you explore ways businesses can increase holiday sales and have their best season. The 16 proven holiday strategies will give your business the boost it needs and increase the quality of your customer experience. So, are you ready to rock the holiday season with trendy social media marketing campaign strategies?

So, let us begin!

What Makes a Great Holiday Marketing Strategy?

A well-worked holiday strategy is all about planning and commitment. You need to start by pondering over the following points to create a great social media marketing strategy:

  • Analyze previous holiday marketing campaigns that will make you understand what well can work for you.
  • Identify holiday marketing strategies that fit your audience. You can choose from the below-mentioned strategies. 
  • Create a schedule and make sure that you have enough time to execute the plans. Also, if something is not working well with the strategy, you will have enough time to reconsider.

Best Strategies For Successful Holiday Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Ditch the never-ending competition and take your marketing skills to another level this holiday season. Here, we bring you the most effective strategies to create a successful holiday social media marketing campaign.

#1. Update Website With Holiday Theme

  • When we can revamp our homes with festive decorations, why can’t we revamp our website with a holiday theme? Start by updating your home page with festive elements.
  • Bring some holiday spirits to let your customers know you are celebrating the holiday season. So, it is time to add some exciting festive elements to your website or create specific pages for the holiday season. 
  • You must also add a CTA on the home page to redirect towards landing pages. It will make browsing enjoyable for the user, also it will enhance the chances of driving sales.

#2. Using Festive Templates for Email Marketing

  • Emailing is the most common way of communicating with your subscribers, and if you are not adding festive vibes to your emails, it is a big mistake. 
  • Work on drawing an effective email marketing campaign by incorporating holiday templates in your emails to create a strong relationship with your customers this festive season.
  • Also, Introduce them to various offers and deals that they can avail this festive season. Be creative and unique while designing email marketing campaigns for the festive season for your customers and try to convert them into paying customers. 

#3. Incorporating Mobile Marketing For Holidays

Mobile marketing is the most convenient way for customers, as they can sit anywhere and shop from anywhere. So, work on optimizing your website for smartphones. Keep in mind that they work seamlessly and are convenient for shoppers. Create a mobile app and ensure that the app is compatible with other devices. You can then set automated messages for abandoned carts. Also, offer customer service that will easily communicate with your customers in real time. 

#4. Using Targeted Keywords and Hashtags For the Holiday Season

  • It hardly matters what type and size of your business; Google ads will work best for marketing campaigns. Using Google ads with targeted keywords and hashtags will help you achieve your business goals and objectives. 
  • Create a seasonal Google ad with targeted keywords to target holiday shoppers. Also, ad campaigns offer some benefits and incentives to customers. 
  • Using the perfect keywords will help target the right audience at the right time. Also, incorporate hashtags that are trendy during the festive season.

#5. Run a Customer Appreciation Campaign

  • The festive season is all about appreciating your loyal customers. Instead of just posting generic content, try appreciating the customers who have been part of your business for a long to create a genuine connect. Remember to value old ones in reaching out to new customers.
  • Thus, craft a campaign that helps appreciate the loyal customers and let them know how special they are to your business. You can send them personalized gifts, great deals, and discounts on seasonal stuff.
  • Make them feel that they are also a particular part of your business.

#6. Revamp Social Channels

  • Remember the importance of social media platforms in marketing. It helps to generate organic growth for business. So start with a holiday social media marketing campaign; it is time to upgrade your social profiles. 
  • Use festive creatives and plan festive-themed content for various social media platforms. You can always experiment using features like reels, stories, and posts. 
  • Create IGTV or short video clips and make your content more engaging and appealing to your followers.

#7. Organize Holiday Giveaways

  • Enhance your brand awareness and bring engagement by organizing a holiday giveaway. You can always use a specific hashtag for a particular giveaway and offer freebies to winners. 
  • Giveaways can create a bond with the audience and your potential customers. Also, it helps people to understand your brand in a better way.
  • Organizing giveaways will have an increased engagement rate for your store. Secondly, you will have a high chance of quick purchase action. So start by running a hashtag challenge, host content, and run a giveaway.

#8. Add urgency Phrases to Your Campaigns

  • Adding urgency phrases to your campaigns is a sure shot to win. Make people feel that they will miss out on something fantastic and exciting. 
  • You can add phrases like ‘discount ending soon,’ ‘Only a few items left in the stock,’ or ‘limited time offer.’ These types of phrases cause fear and a sort of anxiousness among customers about missing out on a deal. 
  • Also, it will help to provoke them to take a quick purchase action. Add some innovative urgency phases to your campaigns and bring a lot to your plate.

#9. Advent Calendar

  • Creating an Advent calendar for your website is an exciting way to celebrate to celebrate Christmas. It keeps us not only track of passing days but also makes the journey of waiting for Chirstmas exciting.
  • Using an advent calendar, you can make your customers build up anticipation for the holiday season and upcoming offers and deals that your business offers.
  • It creates excitement and fun for the people who wait for the whole year to avail the best offers during the holiday season.

#10. Invest in Instagram ads

  • Instagram is a popular platform to gain shoppers' attention. Also, the platform offers unlimited features and opportunities to promote your businesses. Add regular stories and reels to showcase what new is upcoming in the festive holiday season. 
  • You post regular stories about the fantastic stuff and deals your brand will offer this festive season.
  • Also, you can ask customers what they would love to see. Give your customers details about exciting offers and deals they will receive in the upcoming holiday season.

#11. Time to Remarket and Retarget

  • To develop your relations with past and potential customers, remarketing and retargeting play a vital role. Thus, in the holiday season, work on your goals of remarketing and retargeting.
  • These are the great techniques that will help in nurturing and developing customer relations. Also, these are the best strategies if you run an online business.
  • Understand your audience in a better way and remarket according to their needs. This also helps you to portray the best of your brand.

#12. Create Fun And Engaging Videos

  • Videos are an attractive way to grab the attention of your audience. Work on crafting engaging and eye-catching videos that will compel the audience to look for the offers and further make a purchase decision. 
  • You can also create videos for loyal customers and highlight ‘Thank you for choosing us always.’ Show your appreciation and urge that you will serve your customers in a better way through videos.
  • You can make fun and emotional videos and share what your brand is about and what best it can give to its customers.

 #13. Give Bulk and Bundle Offers

  • Bulk offers are a win-win offer for you and your customers. Design bulk and bundle offers to attract many customers to your brand. 
  • To attract many customers to your business, offer them bulk and bundle products. Bundle offers are a strategy where a group of products are offered at a single discounted price. 
  • Ensure that the bundle is compelling and valuable to your customers and that they are getting an advantage in purchasing the bundle over shopping the products individually.

#14. Collaborate with Influencers

  • Collaborate with influencers and bring several opportunities to your door. Collaborating always helps in bringing brand awareness and increasing user engagement.
  • You can collaborate with influencers who are from your niche and can work better on promoting your brand. Collaboration always has a dual benefit and increases the chances of bringing many followers to you.
  • Thus, you can collaborate with influencers to promote the giveaways or contests you’ve hosted on your social channels. Or, collaborate and request the influencers to promote your products or services via their social media handles.

#15. Get Behind A Cause

  • Another best campaign could be considering and supporting a cause you and your audience care about. The causes can be saving the environment, going green, avoiding pollution, being clean and green, or saving wildlife and many others.
  • You can do this by participating in a service project or charity event as a company over the holidays and bringing awareness to them on various social media platforms. 
  • It will help drive impact and allow your connections to participate or gain awareness.

#16. Photo Contest 

Organize a photo contest and take your brand engagement to another level. Make sure that the photo contest includes the following:

  • Set goals to track results and success
  • Ensure that the contest lasts for a few weeks
  •  Create a unique hashtag for the contest
  • Generate user content
  • The content should be related to your product and services

Further, indulge yourself in learning excellent tips for social media holiday campaigns.

Few Tips For Social Media Holiday Marketing Campaigns In 2024

Here, we take you on a drive towards excellent tips to maximize the holiday season's profit. Let us begin!

  • It is essential to determine the discounts you would love to offer
  • Providing a gift suggestion via email marketing and including Call-to-action
  • Stand out from the crowd and deliver Thank You cards to loyal customers
  • Surrounding a customer with the memories of childhood and magic times will help attract them
  • Pay attention to the loyal customers in the race to find new customers. Remember, your priority should always be with your loyal customers
  • Do effective mobile marketing for the most effective results
  • Offer free shipping as it is enough to attract many
  • Try your hands on video marketing, too
  • Revamp your social media channels with the holiday season
  • Now, let us move on to know the best reasons to incorporate a holiday social media marketing campaign! 

Reasons To Incorporate Holiday Social Media Marketing Campaign

Holiday Social media marketing campaigns come with many benefits for your businesses. To make your campaign more effective, you must align the social media marketing strategies with the objectives and goals of your business.

Here are the best reasons to incorporate holiday social media marketing campaigns this season into your business:

#1. Long-term brand impact

There is no better way than holiday social media marketing campaigns to engage with existing customers. The tactics you use in the campaign will impact your customers long-term. Also, it will help to retain the old customers. Offer exclusive deals and work on customer relationships that foster loyalty and repeat business.

#2. Promoting new Products and Services

One of the reasons why businesses carry out the season holiday campaigns is to promote their new products and services. The holiday times are perfect to launch something new and attractive to people. Thus, businesses make sure to launch some new products and services during the holiday season.

#3. Increasing online and Offline Traffic

Social marketing campaigns run profusely, whether you have an e-commerce website or a physical store. The holiday social media marketing campaigns will bring much online and offline traffic. These campaigns make your products the highlight of the season and thus appeal to people to become your customers.

#4. Setting the Image

Running a campaign with a community-oriented objective will help create a different image of your business. You can also be involved in charity partnerships, donations, or other initiatives that align with the spirit of giving during this holiday season. Thus these holiday social media marketing campaigns will aid in bringing the image that you always wanted in customers' eyes.

#5. Standing out from competitors

Another fine reason to carry out a holiday social media marketing campaign is to stand out from competitors. Be unique and creative to establish yourself aloof from the competitors. Always highlight the unique feature that sets you apart from the rest crowd.

Benefits Of Holiday Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Make your campaign exciting by trying the best theme that suits your type of business.

Some of the benefits of holiday social media marketing campaigns are:

  • Brand Awareness: These campaigns bring the best opportunity to increase the visibility and recognition of your brand. With the creativity in marketing campaigns, you can target your business in people's minds and become recognizable.
  • Boost sales: The main motive of these campaigns is to boost online and offline sales. These campings help customers to know your product and services well and to avail the best offers and discounts in the holiday season.
  • New Customer Acquisition: One of the benefits of social media campaigning is that it helps attract new customers to your business. It helps to place yourself firmly in the minds of customers and society.
  • Content Variety: The holiday season brings revamping your content and website. It adds unique holiday elements to your website, also you will look forward to writing blogs and content according to the new season theme. 
  • Data Insights: The holiday time will help you to reflect upon the things that have worked previously and what best you can do this time. It will help to understand your customers’ likings in a better way.


The holiday season is the most lucrative season for businesses that want to grow flawlessly. But preparing for this season takes a lot of time, consistency, dedication, and hard work. You need to be well-prepared for the holiday season. Incorporate the above strategies to make your campaign generate maximum profits. Create an engaging theme, craft the best possible content, and execute. 

Have a great holiday season!

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are the best forms of marketing for holiday social media campaigning: Email marketing Revamping of websites and stores with a Holiday theme Incorporating Mobile Marketing Applying the theory of Advent Calendar Collaborating With Influencers Organizing Giveaways Running bulk and bundle offers Revamping of social channels Cross-promoting Analyzing the strategies

Seasonal advertising is a type of advertising that is conducted during the holiday season, especially during Christmas and New Year. Holidays play an essential role in the retail industry as these are when people spend significantly on gifts. Thus, seasonal advertising helps generate more revenue due to various deals and discounts organizations offer.

To start holiday marketing campaigns, you must start with the following step-by-step process: #Step 1: Establish your goals #Step 2: Craft a Festive related theme #Step 3: Choose products you need to highlight in the holiday season #Step 4: Create a strategy that aligns with your goals #Step 5: Make a content for your campaign #Step 6: Execute the plan #Step 7: Measure the success

One should start holiday marketing campaigning by late summer so that when fall rolls around, you’re ready to execute. Do not wait until December to launch your seasonal campaign; think again and start early. A well-prepared campaign does well.

Many social media platforms are best for advertising your holiday campaign. You can consider the following platforms: Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Revamp your social media channels and build a robust holiday campaigning design.

A campaign is successful when it is well-planned and well-executed. You need to be consistent throughout the campaigning journey. Using relevant hashtags can take your campaigning to another level. And most importantly interacting with your customers can create wonders.

Christmas, New Year, and Valentine's are the most marketed and commercialized holidays. It is when people spend a lot of money buying gifts for their loved ones. Thus, it is great for retail businesses all over.

The trends for holiday marketing in 2024 are crafting an Advent calendar, Cross-promoting the campaign, and collaborating with influencers.

A good campaign plan should be SMART: S: Specific towards achieving the goals of the business M: Measurable goals A: Achievable within the time frame R: Reliable and Reasonable T: Time constraint

Holiday campaigns help a business to remarket and retarget itself in the customer’s eyes. It is a medium to convey your new launches to the public. It helps in appealing and attracting customers by offering deals and discounts. Also, it elevates the customer relationship with the business.

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Written By Alexander Noah

Alexander has worked as an Instagram content strategist for popular media houses and now researches and publishes the latest Instagram content with He is keen to analyze the IG algorithm and find what works better for reach and visibility. You will find many of his IG hacks, tricks, and instructions for better reach on!

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