  • author Sam Katoozian
  • calander Publish Date : July 08, 2024
  • calander Last Update : July 08, 2024
  • clock 15 min read

Instagram has recently introduced Hype comments, a feature designed to boost engagement on Stories. Unlike the traditional reactive emojis or private comments sent directly to DMs, Hype comments allow users to leave public remarks visible to all Story viewers. 

Although this new feature can improve visibility and interaction, some might not like the increased public attention. If you prefer to keep your platform usage more private, it is vital to understand how to turn off these public comments on Instagram. 

You can take complete control of your social media interactions by following the instructions in this 2024 tutorial to disable Hype comments on Instagram Story.

When Should You Turn Off Instagram Hype Comments?

Deciding whether to disable Instagram Hype comments on your Stories depends on your personal preferences and the content you share. Here are some scenarios when you might want to turn off Instagram Story comments:

  • Maintaining Privacy

If you value privacy and prefer keeping interactions more personal, turning off Hype comments can help. This will restrict unwanted or uninvited comments by controlling who can publicly comment on your stories.

  • Avoiding Negative Feedback

It might be disheartening to receive criticism or bad comments responding to something you say publicly. If you share sensitive or private stuff on the platform, you can avoid unfavorable encounters by turning off Hype comments.

  • Preventing Spam

Popular accounts often become targets for spam or irrelevant comments. Disabling Hype comments can help you maintain a cleaner, more relevant comment section free from spammy or promotional messages.

  • Focus On Quality Engagement

If you prefer meaningful interactions over sheer volume, turning off Hype comments can ensure your engagement remains high quality. Encouraging followers to engage through direct messages or other private means can lead to more genuine conversations.

Ultimately, the decision to turn off Instagram Hype comments should align with your comfort level and your goals for your Instagram presence. 

How To Turn Off Hype Comments On Instagram Story?

If you find that Hype comments on Instagram Stories are not for you, let’s understand how to disable hype comments on Instagram Story for businesses and average users. Follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Open your Instagram app and go to Story Settings. 

  • Step 2. Scroll down within the Story settings until you find the "Hype" section.

  • Step 3. To disable Hype comments entirely, select the option labeled "Off." This will help in preventing hype comments on Instagram Story

How To Filter Hype Comments On Instagram? 

If you prefer to keep Hype comments enabled but want to ensure a positive and relevant interaction on your Instagram Stories, filtering these comments is an effective solution. Here’s how you can filter Hype comments:

  • Step 1. Firstly, open the Instagram app and go to Story Settings.  

  • Step 2. The next step is to scroll down within the Story settings to find the “Hype” section. 

  • Step 3. In this section, you can block certain accounts from leaving hype comments and set the setting to receive Hype comments only from users you follow. 

How To Stop Unwanted Comments On Instagram Story? 

With the arrival of the new Hype feature, many users are looking for ways to manage comments on Instagram Story. If you don’t wish for unwanted comments to show on your Stories, you can follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Go to Story Settings after opening the Instagram app on your phone. 

  • Step 2. In the settings page, scroll to find the Hype section. 

  • Step 3. This section allows managing hype comments on Instagram Story for artists, creators, and businesses. You have the option here to either turn off Hype comments altogether or restrict certain users from leaving Hype comments. 

How To Block Specific Comments On Instagram Story? 

Users wishing to maintain control over who can interact with their content can block hype comments on Instagram Story. Here’s how users can prevent certain users from leaving Hype comments on your Stories:

  • Step 1. Open the Story settings on your Instagram app.

  • Step 2. Navigate to the “Hype” section by scrolling down on the screen. 

  • Step 3. There, you can find the setting to block specific accounts. This setting allows you to prevent certain users from leaving Hype comments on your Stories.

  • Step 4.  Here, you will also find the option to restrict Hype comments to only those users you follow, maintaining a level of familiarity and control. 

Tips For Controlling Instagram Story Comments 

Here are some tips for controlling comments on your Instagram Stories to maintain a more private and enjoyable experience:

  • Maintain Privacy

If you value privacy and prefer personal interactions, consider turning off Hype comments. This way, you can control who comments on your Stories, limiting unwanted or unsolicited opinions.

  • Prevent Spam

Popular accounts often become targets for spam or irrelevant comments. Restricting Hype comments to people you follow can help you maintain a cleaner, more relevant comment section free from spammy or promotional messages.

  • Focus on Quality Engagement

If you prefer meaningful interactions over sheer volume, restricting hype comments can ensure your engagement remains high quality. 

  • Know When to Disable Hype Comments

Disabling Hype comments should align with your comfort level and goals for your Instagram presence. You should start by restricting comments, and if you still aren’t happy with them, you can disable them. 

By following these tips, you can effectively manage and control comments on your Instagram Stories, ensuring a more enjoyable and secure social media experience.

Final Thoughts

Hype comments, while designed to increase engagement and visibility, may not suit everyone’s preferences or needs. Whether you value privacy, want to avoid negative feedback, prevent spam, or focus on quality engagement, knowing how to control and filter comments is paramount.

Hype comments are simple to disable or filter when you follow the instructions for troubleshooting Instagram Story comment settings. You have the power to uphold a supportive and regulated atmosphere on your Instagram Stories, regardless of whether you decide to completely disable Hype comments, limit them to followers, or block particular users.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hype comments on Instagram Stories are public remarks that users can leave on your Stories, visible to all viewers. This feature is designed to boost engagement and interaction beyond the traditional reactive emojis or private DMs.

To turn off hype comments on Instagram, open your Instagram app and go to Story Settings. After that, scroll down to the "Hype" section and select the option labeled "Off" to disable hype comments entirely.

To avoid hype comments on your Instagram Stories, open your Instagram app and navigate to the Story settings. Scroll down until you find the "Hype" section within the settings menu. Here, you'll have the option to turn off hype comments entirely by selecting "Off."

To disable hype comments from your Instagram settings, open the Instagram app and go to Story Settings. There, simply find the “Hype” section by scrolling down. In that section, tap the option labeled “Off.”

For customizing Instagram Story comment settings, you can go to Story Settings on your Instagram app. Then, you need to scroll down to the “Hype” section. In this section, you will find the options to disable the Hype comments, block certain users from commenting or only allow comments from users you follow.

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Written By Sam Katoozian

Sam is the optimization expert at helps us make our articles rank on the search engine platforms. He searches for keywords, sorts them out, and passes the list to the content team. Further, he looks after the right optimization of the blogs and articles to reach the desired and interested readers. He is in charge of the SEO team and one of the most loved members for the dedication and support he passes on to all.

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