Written By Alexander Noah

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Why Get Verified On Instagram?

With only 3.26% of Instagram accounts having been approved for the Instagram verification badge, there’s never been a more important time for you to go through their verification process to get your Instagram verified badge…

But, the most important question I get regarding Instagram verification is:

Will I get verified on Instagram if I submit a verification request?

And the answer for most people is… Probably not.

You see, Instagram is very picky when it comes to who gets the verification badges and who doesn’t.

The people over at Instagram understand the value that their creators place on that elusive blue tick.

Because of the way Instagram users crave for the verification badge to be added to their Instagram profile, they (Instagram), in a way, abuse their power by severely limiting accounts that qualify for the verification badge.

That then, leads our audience to another question:

Can I just buy Instagram verification?

And the answer is typically — NO…

But in this article, I’m not only going to show you that yes, you can buy Instagram verification, I’ll also show you who the best Instagram verification service providers are that will help you get verified on instagram. Whether you're a public figure or a brand looking to establish credibility, understanding how to get verified on Instagram is crucial. 

Lastly, I’ll break down the general process of how these Instagram verification providers work and how their services are within the Instagram TOS (terms of service).

This means that even if you use an Instagram verification service, your account has no risk of being banned.

But before we go any further, did you know that the only way your Instagram account stands a chance to be verified is by having a lot of followers?

While there’s no exact number of how many followers you need to get verified on instagram, our testing found that you don’t even stand a chance without 10,000 followers or more.

REMEMBER: You can buy Instagram followers from Thunderclap very inexpensively.

So without further ado, let’s get poppin!

What Are The Best Instagram Verification Services In 2022?

  1. GetInstaVerified – Winner!
  2. Digital Nod – Second
  3. App Sally – Third
  4. Social Monk
  5. Tailwind App
  6. Nitreo
  7. MobileMonkey
  8. SimplyGram
  9. Growthoid
  10. Growthsilo

Benefits Of An Instagram Verification Badge

As we discussed, people on Instagram really go crazy to get that blue tick. If you’re a creator, and I’m sure you are, you no doubt either have an Instagram that’s verified, or you’re trying really hard to get yours verified.

Below you can see the main reasons why IG verification is important for any Instagram user.

Higher Engagement Rate

According to Hype Auditor, on average, verified Instagram accounts show a 30% increase in engagement.

Hype Auditor claims this after analyzing over 6.5 million Instagram profiles. We can confirm the statement as we’ve looked through multiple news sources that also state the same.

Higher Trust With Instagram Audience

Creators are always looking for more trust from their audience. More trust is a sign of authority, and more authority has a lot of secondary benefits.

Trusting a brand is critical because it gives you the comfort to know that if that brand recommends something, or is selling a product or service, then it’s legit.

On the other hand, an unverified Instagram account and a lower trust in the brand would provide you the exact opposite.

Lower follower growth and lower engagement rate, but also this lack of trust could dribble into people clicking your bio link or transacting on your e-commerce store/affiliate offers.

Trust in today’s world is paramount. Having more followers, a lot of Instagram posts, and an Instagram account that’s verified is proven to increase that trust.

Higher Brand Awareness And Reach

Reach on Instagram is everything. Truthfully, I think we can agree that creating content is centered around creating something that can be seen and shared with a worldwide audience.

All the time and effort put into good content creation means that reach is of the utmost importance.

There’s probably millions of pieces of content created for Instagram and other social media services each and every day.

90% of which never get any views or reach that can make a difference for that brand or business.

Verified accounts are not only a status symbol, but it means that (on average) that Instagram account will have better Instagram growth, real followers AKA (active followers), more trust, and higher engagement.

Higher Marketability And Collaboration Value

All things equal, creators are looking to collaborate with high value accounts. Verified accounts are generally of higher value, meaning:

They get more reach

They have more followers

They have more engagement

They make more money (monetization)

They have more authority

They have more pull within the space

And because of this, an Instagram page is more likely to work together with an account that is already verified and has some weight in their industry.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s tons of accounts that have a solid audience that engages with their content, that trusts what they say, and that purchase products or services they recommend.

This is not a hard and fast rule, but if you really want to be seen as a higher value account and somebody who really deserves to be collaborated with, then following the Instagram verification requirements and converting your account into a verified account is another important thing.

Can You Really Buy Instagram Verification?

The verification process on Instagram is not difficult.

What’s difficult is actually getting your verification request approved.

That’s where an Instagram verification service comes in.

As with anything, there’s a tried and true process for getting your Instagram account verified.

So while you really are going to buy an Instagram verification, you aren’t simply buying the blue tick mark.

Remember that…

Obviously, the verified badge that you get after you request verification and it’s approved is the end goal, but understanding what you need to do and the process for your Instagram profile to be verified is always a good idea.

What you’re actually purchasing, though, is somebody to help you with the actual process of submitting your Instagram verification request.

Before you can do that — your account needs to meet the following criteria:

Authentic: Your account must represent a real person, registered business, or entity.

Unique: Your account must be the unique presence of the person or business it represents. Only one account per person or business may be verified. Instagram doesn’t verify general interest accounts (example: @puppymemes)

Complete: Your account must be public and have a bio, profile photo, and at least one post. Your profile can’t contain “add me” links to other social media services.

Notable: Your account must represent a well-known, highly searched for person, brand, or entity. Instagram reviews accounts that feature in multiple news sources, and they don’t consider paid or promotional content as sources for review.

**Content pulled from the official IG verification requirements page

To go even further, we found after extensive research that your Instagram needs to have a solid engagement rate (numbers can fluctuate), high amounts of Instagram followers (IG won’t verify an account that has low follower number), a large number of various content pieces (think Reels, Stories, albums, photos/video), and a complete profile (good bio, bio link, profile picture, etc.)

That being said, the above are just our recommendations based on the testing and results that we’ve had for our clients. Please remember that getting your Instagram app verified is a unique process.

But — there are always ways around the process should you know what to do.

What To Look For In An Instagram Verification Service

The Instagram growth business and any sub niche businesses have been around for some time.

But due to some bad apples, a lot of these businesses have a negative image attached to them even though they’re legit and provide high quality services.

Don’t get me wrong, a lot of these businesses that do have a negative image attached deserve it, but I believe that people shouldn’t lump the whole market into that image based on the bad apples.

As with anything, though, you need to do your due-diligence before choosing an Instagram verification company to go with.

Here’s what you should look out for:

Customer Service Responsiveness: The thing I recommend to do first is reach out to the company’s support team. If you don’t get a reply, or you receive a reply that is less than flattering then stay far away.

Website Functionality And Design: If it looks scammy, it probably is. Instagram verification services that are legit have nice looking websites and don’t look like scams

Simple And Understandable Process: Helping Instagram users get their Instagram verified isn’t rocket science for the business doing the service, but it also should be understandable by you (the customer). If you can’t understand what goes into the service you’re paying for then stay away.

Reviews And Business Reputation: These days there’s reviews for everything. If you want to find the best Instagram verification service, have a look around on Google (or just read the list below).

Refund If Unable To Get Verified: If the company doesn’t offer a refund should your account be denied the verified badge, you should be entitled to a full refund.

No Password Needed: There’s no reason for an IG verification service to ask for your Instagram password. Please do not provide any kind of sensitive information for Instagram verification.

At the end of the day, keeping your Instagram account safe by choosing the right provider is key. Verification badges are useless if your account gets banned.

Use your better judgment when picking the right verification service for you.

Remember: I told you that the process of a legit IG verification service is within the terms of service, but shady or scammy providers can potentially do things that are AGAINST the TOS because they know without doing them your account won’t be verified.

10 Best Sites To Buy Instagram Verification Services in 2022

1. GetInstaVerified

getinstaverified verification service

GetInstaVerfied is number one on our list because they are the most well-known, but they also provide the best IG verification service.

GetInstaVerified helps you get verified on instagram by firstly checking your eligibility, then writing PR articles about you or your brand, and then submitting your Instagram profile to request verification.

While GetInstaVerified claims to have helped over 500 Instagram accounts get verified, there was never any way for us to confirm this.

GetInstaVerified Features

No Password needed: They don’t need any access to your Instagram account.

High Success Rate: They claim to have a 96% higher chance of getting your Instagram verified.

Full Refund: There is a full refund should your IG fail to get the verified badge.

GetInstaVerified is a verification service provider that offers a fully managed and manual service.

This means that there is no automation or any kind of bots that help your Instagram get the visibility needed to get the verified badge.

GetInstaVerified Steps To Get Verified On Instagram

There’s three steps required for GetInstaVerified to help you get your account verified (get your verified badge)

They are as follows:

  1. Eligibility: You need a minimum of 1,500 followers, a public account with a profile picture, and 3 posts with a good level of engagement.
  2. PR Articles About Your Brand: Once you complete their eligibility requirements, they will start working on articles which will be published on two of their high-quality personal blogs. They will also be listed on Google.
  3. Submission Of Your Account: After they get the PR written for you and indexed in Google, they’ll submit your Instagram profile to Instagram to request the Instagram verified badge.

GetInstaVerified Pricing

GetInstaVerified offers two pricing options that are fairly cheap. Their standard option is $99 and you get the following:

Works for any profile

Verification submission

Case study for Instagram

Fast turnaround (3-8 business days)

Full Refund

The next plan is their Premium option that has the standard features PLUS:

Interview article

3 PR publications

If you’re serious about joining the list of verified accounts on Instagram, then I’d recommend the premium option.

In our opinion, the interview article and the publications are necessary.

2. Digital Nod

digitalnod Instagram verification service

Digital Nod is somewhat new to the IG verification industry. Although, as of lately, these guys have really made a name for themselves and generated a lot of buzz, reach, and credibility.

Focusing heavily on brand awareness and getting more organic exposure, Digital Nod will definitely help you get verified on instagram, but at a price.

What makes Digital Nod fall to number two is that they simply have an outrageous number for pricing their verification process.

Compared to GetInstaVerified pricing plans of $99 or $199 respectively, the Digital Nod price tag is $21,000 minimum.


Let’s just say that there’s a huge barrier to entry there.

Additionally, they do the same thing as our number one choice, which is:

– Create PR buzz

– Publish PR and get it indexed in Google

– Create case study

– Submit to get your Instagram verified

All in all, Digital Nod is a trusted global brand that can help you to get real accounts for your Instagram that will help you to get the verification that you need.

Instagram marketers that have a high price point and don’t mind paying a bit more to buy Instagram followers and Instagram success, then Digital Nod can certainly work. Otherwise, it’s likely out of the budget of many, even though it is a reputable digital agency.

3. App Sally

appsally instagram verification

While you can’t actually buy a blue checkmark on Instagram, you can definitely buy social media growth and an Instagram presence that gets you noticed on the social media platform.

When you work with App Sally, you’ll be able to do exactly that. App Sally is a third party app that will connect you with your target audience as well as to get you talked about in all of the right places.

This means being featured in relevant blogs, magazines, and other media that can help you to become noticed.

After all, remember: for IG verification, it’s important that you have notoriety and are talked about. Otherwise, you’re not likely to meet the community guidelines Instagram has set forth for verification.

When you work with App Sally, you’ll get online press that doesn’t involve false or misleading information, and you’ll also be able to boost your Instagram profile.

There are multiple packages to choose from where you can buy Instagram followers along with different press releases, which is a must-have for verified accounts.

For example, if you have less than 10k followers, you can choose the plan with press releases and followers for around $900.

If you’re not interested in PR posts and only want to buy Instagram followers, packages will typically start at $800.

The great thing about App Sally is that there are tons of different social media platforms that you can work with, and you’re able to grow your Twitter account, YouTube, account, Facebook page, and more.

Having a strong cross-platform presence on social media networks will definitely help you when it comes to getting verified on IG.

4. Social Monk

socialmonk instagram verification service

Social Monk is a top place to build an Instagram team that actually cares about your results. If you’re looking to avoid fake followers and get real followers along with your blue checkmark, this is the place for you.

SocialMonk can put you in contact with your target audience, gets your Instagram stories seen by more people, and can even help you grow multiple accounts.

Follower count is important on Instagram when you want to get verified, but it’s also important to have a lot of engagement and a strong presence on other social media platforms.

You can target based on location, hashtags, followers, and more. You can also submit requests when you’d like to change your targets, as well as connect with followers that you’ve gained.

Social Monk claims to avoid fake followers, and their prices are rather affordable. The plans range anywhere from a monthly $42-$71, or you could pay by week if you do prefer.

5. TailWindApp

get verified on instagram with tailwind app

Verified accounts on Instagram have a lot of Instagram followers, but what do you really need to make sure that you stand out among the competition?

When you work with a company like TailWind, you’ll get the best of the best.

You’ll be able to merge accounts and include both your social and email marketing into one solution, which makes things much easier for your overall marketing efforts.

While you won’t get a real person as an account manager when you work with TailWind, you’ll get services in feature areas, including Create, Schedule, Optimize, and Email.

That means you can create a strong Instagram strategy that meets the community guidelines and leads to a higher follower count.

The pricing for TailWind is also relatively affordable, offering you the ability to pay monthly or annually as you see fit.

Unfortunately they can’t help with Twitter accounts or TikTok accounts as they only deal with Instagram and Pinterest.

They’re a great tool that can get you on the road to verification behind the scenes.

6. Nitreo

nitreo instagram service

Nitreo has been around for quite some time now and is used by tons of influencers on Instagram. If you want top-level growth that can help you get that blue tick on Instagram, this can be a great option.

Through a community of creators, marketers, and Instagram users, you’ll get more exposure every day. You’ll be able to track your growth based on who Nitreo interacted with and see how much you gain each day.

No matter what your budget or current position on Instagram is, Nitreo has something that can work for you.

Using features like Instagram Live Moderators to analyze features like live reactions, comment liking, IG story viewing, and more, you’ll get noticed by people who can help your Instagram presence grow.

The current pricing plans start at $49/mo. and don’t guarantee verification.

7. MobileMonkey

mobile monkey ig verification company

With a bright, inviting website and a name to match, MobileMonkey helps not only individuals but also agencies and in-house marketers. With different options including automated chat for sales conversion and messaging, anyone looking to turn a profit on Instagram can benefit.

You can manage all of your messaging and engagements from a single inbox, creating a type of marketing hub for easy Instagram growth and management.

The solutions offered by MobileMonkey are valuable for many, and with affordable pricing options, you’ll certainly find an option that is friendly on the wallet.

Starting at $44.25/month, you’ll get tons of integrations, credits, and a multi-channel inbox. This is the most practical option for most people, and since it won’t help you to get verified directly, it’s worth considering as a supplemental tool.

8. SimplyGram

simplygram helps verify your instagram

SimplyGram is known as one of the up-and-coming Instagram growth services that can help you build your follower count to get verified.

SimplyGram claims to help you get at least 5k Instagram followers every month, which means you’ll be well on your way to verification in no time.

Different DM techniques and mother/child accounts help SimplyGram to get you noticed by people on Instagram. You won’t have to disclose your password and they’ll keep your account growing on the regular.

There’s no guarantee of verification, but they use a top quality algorithm to connect you with active users. The plan costs $69/wk and can be upgraded to a plan for $99/wk.

This isn’t the cheapest service on the list, and while they don’t guarantee verification, you’ll see a notable increase in your Instagram presence and follower count.

Ultimately, SimplyGram will get your account moving in the right direction while keeping your privacy and security intact.

9. Growthoid

growthoid verification

Growthoid helps to weed out fake followers and builds up your target audience and follower count directly through engagement.

This is a tried-and-true method for Instagram growth because you’re able to generate interest in your profile and build your authenticity, communicating with your audience on a regular basis.

Currently, Growthoid has been popular with over 7k influencers and agencies, which goes to show that their track record speaks for itself.

While you can’t directly buy verification through Growthoid, they can help you get your growth at higher levels, leading to verification and more success down the road.

Their plans start at $49/month and they do offer a money-back guarantee just in case you didn’t like the results that you received.

10. UseViral

UseViral instagram service

Rounding out our list, Useviral is a social media company that will help you to get more followers on a range of platforms, including Instagram.

This can help you get verified because you can buy Instagram followers, story views, reels likes, saves, poll votes, and more.

That gives you a well-rounded presence on Instagram and helps people to see that you have a lot of interest in your content and in your campaigns.

The packages that UseViral offers may be especially useful if you just need to fill in a few gaps and bump up your numbers for a bit.

It’s also a good place to build up your cross-platform reputation so that you can become more notable on a range of social networks. This is why it’s an excellent company for Instagram verification.

Instagram Verification FAQ

Still have some questions about IG verification? We’ve got you covered! Here’s a quick recap of the most frequently-asked questions about getting verified on Instagram.

What Is The Process To Get Verified On Instagram?

The process in itself is very simple. All you need to do to request verification is:

– Navigate to your IG profile

– Tap the three horizontal lines to visit the menu, and then tap Settings

– Tap Account > Request Verification

On this screen, you’ll need to provide your driver’s license or valid form of ID; you can also provide your official business documents if you so prefer.

While the process is really simple, it doesn’t mean approval is. Verification isn’t guaranteed and Instagram even mentions this in their community guidelines.

Having too many fake followers or falsifying information your application will likely lead to denial as well as adverse actions.

This is why choosing the right service to help with verification is really important, as well as where you buy Instagram followers from.

How Long Does It Take To Get Verified Once I Buy Instagram Verification?

It depends on how many followers you start out with. Remember, the number of Instagram followers you have is important, which is why it can determine how long it takes to get verified.

Not only that, Instagram does manually deal with each verification request manually and on a case-by-case basis, which means nothing is guaranteed.

Even if you work with the best of the best, unless you’re able to meet all of the criteria for being verified, you’re likely to get denied until you do.

The good news is you can continue to request your verification badge as many times as you like, just in case the first time around doesn’t go through.

Working with a company that knows the requirements, can help your Instagram growth on the whole, as well as boost your PR if you don’t have any.

What Is The Process Of Buying Instagram Verification?

Verification on your account represents trust, authority, and authenticity to Instagram users– it tells people that you’re important and that you mean something.

It helps users to identify between fake accounts and real ones, which is why the process of Instagram verification is pretty serious.

Instagram deals with all requests manually, so you’ll need to choose the company wisely.

Each company can also have a different methodology of building Instagram followers as well as processing the verification, so it’s not a one-size-fits-all answer.

Just be sure that you know exactly what you can expect from the service helping you with verification and that you feel comfortable with everything offered.

Is An Instagram Verification Badge Worth It?

It’s a really good idea to get verified on Instagram if you want people to take you seriously in the long term.

When someone comes across an Instagram profile with the blue checkmark, it’s automatically a sign of prowess and success.

It can give your brand or business the authority it needs to get to the next level in your niche, no matter if you’re focused on cooking, lifestyle, language specific accounts, travel, and pretty much any other niche out there.

If you can find a way to get verified that works for you, we definitely recommend it.

Final Thoughts – Should You Buy Instagram Verification Badge?

If you’re in dire need of a verification checkmark on IG and can’t seem to get one manually, enlisting the help of a verification company can be a great solution.

You should buy Instagram followers using these services as well as boost your notoriety and PR so that you can get approved for verification on Instagram.

Having Instagram followers is important, but it’s also important that your whole profile is put together: you have a clear profile picture, your engagement is good, and that you don’t have a lot of fake or inauthentic followers and engagement.

Keep an eye out for future posts that can help you create the perfect Instagram strategy or boost your online presence! We’ve got you covered.

Written By Alexander Noah

Alexander has worked as an Instagram content strategist for popular media houses and now researches and publishes the latest Instagram content with He is keen to analyze the IG algorithm and find what works better for reach and visibility. You will find many of his IG hacks, tricks, and instructions for better reach on!