  • author Alexander Noah
  • calander Publish Date : April 04, 2024
  • calander Last Update : April 04, 2024
  • clock 22 min read

Instagram is used by over 25 million businesses today to connect and interact with customers. But do you know how these businesses increase their reach in order to generate leads? They use targeted and niche-specific hashtags on their posts, stories, and reels to engage and target their audience.

Data also shows that Instagram posts that have at least one hashtag tend to reflect 29% more engagement compared to the ones that don’t use any hashtags. This clearly reflects how important a strong hashtag strategy is for your business. 

So, let's read why creating an effective Instagram hashtag strategy is important and how to create one to maximize your reach. 

Why is an Effective Instagram Hashtag Strategy Necessary?

An effective Instagram hashtag strategy is necessary to maximize your content visibility and audience engagement. Also, you can reach a targeted audience interested in the content by strategically using relevant and niche-specific hashtags.

Hashtags also help you build community. They help you connect with potential customers and increase your online presence. Branded hashtags and campaign-specific tags also play a crucial role in marketing efforts. They encourage user participation and generate valuable user-generated content. 

Additionally, staying updated on trending hashtags and using them in your posts can capitalize on current conversations and broaden your content reach. Thus, a well-executed hashtag strategy is a powerful tool for categorizing content effectively and creating a distinctive online identity. 

How Do You Maximize Your Instagram Reach with Hashtags?

Using hashtags is a great way to increase visibility and connect with your target audience. Thus, some of the key steps to increasing your Instagram reach by using hashtags are as follows:

How Do You Maximize Your Instagram Reach with Hashtags

#1 Use Popular Hashtags

You should research all the popular hashtags in your niche and choose the ones Instagram allows you to use. You can also check how many brands or competitors are using that respective hashtag. 

When you're using popular hashtags, the chances of an increase in reach improve rather than getting lost in crowds. 

#2 Research Relevant Hashtags

You should do research and use only the relevant hashtags. Many hashtags on Instagram may be used by various brands, but they might not provide any value to your business. 

So, you should use only the relevant hashtags that cater to your content and business goals.

#3 Create a Branded Hashtag

Branded hashtags are the hashtags specific to your business. When you create and use branded hashtags, they help you with brand awareness and customer engagement. 

However, when creating branded hashtags, you should create the ones that truly reflect your brand values. It is advisable to keep the branded hashtags consistent across all platforms. 

#4 Encourage User Participation

You should encourage your users to participate in creating hashtags, too. User-generated content is taking the forefront, and when you welcome such a move of user participation, it will stay with the audience for a long time. 

The customers feel valued and are also assured of sharing the hashtags on their posts and stories. Thus, you can maximize your reach and grab the attention of the audience. 

#5 Create Hashtag Campaigns 

If you want to promote user-generated content engagement on your posts, you should create hashtag campaigns. With the help of a unique hashtag campaign, you can ensure that the content reaches a niche audience. 

At the same time, you may also include discounts and giveaways in your campaigns to grab more attention. 

#6 Use Location-Based Hashtags

If you want your posts to show up on local SEO, it is advisable to use location-based hashtags. These location-based hashtags are a great way to ensure that your products are reaching that particular audience.

However, while using location-based hashtags, it is advisable to be extra careful. Therefore, you may use hashtags for either a respective city or the entire country as a whole. 

How Do You Analyze Your Hashtag Performance on Instagram?

Analyzing the hashtag performance on Instagram will help you understand how the content is performing. Some of the prominent ways to analyze hashtag performance on Instagram are as follows:

How Do You Analyze Your Hashtag Performance on Instagram

#1 Track Engagement

When you’re using different hashtags, make sure to keep an eye on the number of likes, comments, and shares the respective post is receiving. Thus, you will get an idea of which hashtag is generating the most engagement. 

#2 Use Instagram Insights

Various analytics websites can be a great way to get Instagram insights. Different analytics tools like Hootsuite, Social Sprouts, and more will help you identify the performance of hashtags across various social media posts. They will also help you get an insight into post reach and engagement rates. 

#3 Perform A/B Testing 

A/B testing proves valuable for understanding content performance. So, you should utilize varied hashtags in similar posts and compare engagement metrics to identify top-performing ones. Consistent A/B testing is recommended to optimize content based on performance insights.

#4 Monitor Competitor’s Hashtags 

Stay ahead by monitoring competitors' hashtag strategies and gauging their effectiveness. Analyzing engagement rates will help you identify popular industry-specific hashtags, excluding branded ones, for a more strategic approach.

#5 Monitor Reach and Impressions

Experiment with new hashtags to learn about reach and impressions. You can opt for hashtags that resonate most with your audience for heightened post engagement. This method ensures maximum impact and an effective audience connection. 

Tips for Effective Hashtag Strategy for Maximizing Reach in 2024

Knowing the benefits of hashtag strategy isn't enough. It is also important to create the strategy in the right way. Thus, some of the prominent tips to follow while creating an effective hashtag strategy are as follows:

#1 Be Succinct, Not Spammy

When creating an Instagram strategy, it is crucial that you're specific and not spammy. Using too many hashtags makes the content appear spammy. So, try to avoid it as much as possible. 

#2 Use Content-Related Hashtags

Always research and add hashtags that add value to your content. Thus, these hashtags should be relevant and not something that doesn't relate to your audience. It will prevent us from establishing a strong connection. 

#3 Use Trending Hashtags Only if They are Relevant

Sometimes, it may happen that there are hashtags that are popular and trending but aren't relevant to your brand or post. While it may be really tempting to jump into them and take the offer, you should avoid it. 

So, you should use trending hashtags only if they are relevant to your brand; otherwise, they’ll look spammy.

#4 Create Your Branded Hashtags

You may create branded hashtags that are specific to your business. A lot of businesses today are creating hashtags related to their brands. Such hashtags help in creating brand awareness. 

#5 Don't Use the Same Hashtags in Every Post

Just because a particular hashtag performed exceptionally well for one post doesn't mean it will perform the same way for others, too. Thus, it is advisable to prevent repeatedly using the same hashtags. 

Using the same hashtags reduces the value of the hashtag, and your audience may not be able to connect with it. 

#6 Don't Overuse Hashtags

It may seem tempting that many hashtags would mean maximum reach, but it doesn't. Rather than overusing hashtags, you should consider using a few hashtags that are good only for your business. 

These play an important role in crafting relevance and maximum reach for the audience. 

Importance of Effective Instagram Strategy for Your Business 

An effective Instagram strategy is the key to scaling your business on the platform. Here are some of the major benefits of an effective Instagram strategy:

Importance of Effective Instagram Strategy for Your Business

#1 Increase Content Visibility 

With billions of users available on Instagram and each one of them posting content, it is very common for your content to get lost. 

However, having an Instagram strategy helps increase your content visibility and ensure it reaches the right audience. 

#2 Creates Brand Awareness 

If you're a new business on Instagram, it is advisable to curate the best Instagram hashtag strategy. This plays an important role in creating brand awareness as it maximizes reach. 

Furthermore, with the help of the hashtag strategy, you will also become visible to your potential target audience, and more people will get to know you. 

#3 Measure the Effectiveness of Campaigns 

Having a niche-specific and campaign-specific hashtag should always be on your cards. Most customers miss out on knowing about exciting deals with many brands because of the lack of campaign hashtags. 

If you want to create an impact on your audience, it is important to use the right hashtags. These hashtag strategies help you understand the analytics regarding the performance of content. 

#4 Helps Expand Your Audience 

Every business and content creator aims to reach new and larger audiences. Well, none of this would be possible on Instagram if you did not have a good hashtag strategy. With the help of hashtag strategy, you get to understand what your audience is looking for most. 

It will also help you get an insight into all the potential hashtags your customers are looking for. Thus, you may use those in your profile to ensure maximum engagement and reach with the audience. 

#5 Improve Your SEO

Instagram SEO works pretty much the same as website SEO. Too many or too few hashtags can be extremely difficult to manage, as it will prevent you from reaching the right audience. 

Thus, with the help of an SEO strategy, you will get to understand how content is performing. As it increases engagement and visibility, it would be a key sign to better SEO for Instagram. 

How Do You Do Hashtag Research on Instagram?

Hashtags tend to create 12.6% more engagement than general posts. As long as you're using the right hashtags and not spammy ones, it is vital to increase the prevalence. 

How Do You Do Hashtag Research on Instagram

Thus, some of the key ways through which you can research hashtags on Instagram are as follows:

#1 Always Review Your Audience

When generating hashtags, you need to understand the mindset of your audience. Thus, you should try to understand the type of language they use. It will help you overcome the challenges and create out-of-the-box ideas. 

#2 Relevance

The relevance and popularity of hashtags are said to be the golden aspects of hashtag research. Just because a million people are looking for a particular hashtag doesn't mean it has to be relevant to your post. If the hashtag isn't relevant to the post, you should avoid it. 

#3 Analyze Competitors

You should carefully conduct competitor research to understand the type of hashtags they're using. Thus, you can pick the keywords that you think have driven maximum engagement and are specific to the posts. 

#4 Create Branded Hashtags

While you've done competitor research for hashtags, it is also important to create branded hashtags. These branded hashtags help establish relevance to your brand. However, keep the hashtags simple and easy to remember. 

#5 Add Extra Hashtags

Apart from the competitor and branded hashtag, you may also add a few other hashtags. These are the hashtags that will derive recommendations. It is advisable to use targeted hashtags to ensure posting across the right categories. 

How Many Hashtags Should You Use to Maximize Your Reach?

You may have come across a lot of “acclaimed social media experts” stating that using maximum hashtags ensures maximum reach. Well, they don't. 

Contrary to popular belief, more hashtags lead to content spamming. Thus, you may want to be extra careful about using the hashtags. This also does not mean that you should be using fewer or no hashtags. The extremes of any number with respect to using hashtags can hamper your entire strategy. 

On average, it is advisable to use 5 to 10 hashtags to increase the reach of the posts on your feed. 

Summing Up

The extraordinary appeal of hashtags, particularly on Instagram, remains at the top. These elements play a crucial role in establishing credibility and fostering the growth of businesses. Whether you're a business entity or a content creator, strategically selecting hashtags is essential for maintaining competitiveness within your niche. 

With a staggering billion users on this platform, the last thing you want is to be lost in the sea of competition. Consequently, adhering to a well-crafted strategy becomes imperative to secure a higher position and outpace your competitors.


#1. What is a relevant hashtag strategy for Instagram?

Instead of tossing in random hashtags, utilizing the ultimate guide to using Instagram hashtags is smart to go for ones right in your respective brand appeal: think niche and campaign-specific. Also, don't miss out on the trending ones. Catching those can seriously amp up your Instagram game and broaden your reach.

#2. Will hashtags help me get a better reach on Instagram?

Absolutely, leveraging hashtags stands out as a prime strategy for maintaining relevance. Whether strategically incorporated into your Instagram posts or reels, they consistently prove important in securing enhanced reach and facilitating effortless discovery by prospective customers.

#3. How do you optimize hashtags on Instagram?

Conduct thorough research on the hashtags employed by both your audience and competitors. Once you've compiled the hashtag list, strategically amalgamate smaller niche tags with the popular ones. This fusion enables the optimization of Instagram hashtags, increasing your content's visibility.

#4. Can Instagram hashtags enhance my IG account's visibility?

Yes, hashtags have often been considered one of the best strategies to increase your account’s visibility. Your customers are always looking out for products or services using hashtags. Thus, using the right ones will be important in increasing account visibility. 

#5. What are the top 3 hashtags on Instagram in 2024?

The top three most used hashtags on Instagram in 2024 were #love, #instagood, and #fashion. So, you can use these in your posts if they relate to your brand in the coming year, 2024.

#6. How do you choose the right hashtags?

Optimal hashtag selection involves delving into both popular and niche-specific tags. Additionally, examining your competitors' hashtag choices provides valuable insights. You can strategically enhance your online presence and engagement by aligning your brand with the most relevant options.

#7. Should I use 30 hashtags in one post?

No. A lot of brands think that using more hashtags provides more visibility. In fact, contrary to that belief, using thirty hashtags means that you're spamming the content, which has the potential to get the content or respective post flagged. 

#8. Where can I use hashtags on Instagram?

You can use hashtags on Instagram posts, stories, and reels. If your business profile is public, make sure to use the right number of hashtags strategically to enhance your reach. 

#9. Can hashtags boost my content SEO?

Yes. Hashtags can be helpful for content SEO on Instagram as long as they provide context, which can help with searches on Instagram. However, go through the complete list of banned hashtags you should avoid to prevent any risk and cater to the content requirements. 

#10. How does the hashtag algorithm work?

Hashtags act as a ranking signal as they help the platform analyze the context of content. As a result, optimizing your content with popular hashtags will help increase ranking and visibility on Instagram.  You can also invest in buying Instagram views to give a dose of visibility to your content. 

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Written By Alexander Noah

Alexander has worked as an Instagram content strategist for popular media houses and now researches and publishes the latest Instagram content with He is keen to analyze the IG algorithm and find what works better for reach and visibility. You will find many of his IG hacks, tricks, and instructions for better reach on!

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