  • author Lucas Dupont
  • calander Publish Date : July 02, 2024
  • calander Last Update : July 02, 2024
  • clock 14 min read

Are you looking for the most effective ways to get more eyes on your Instagram posts?

If Yes, then Multiple Hashtags can level up your Instagarm Game!

Hashtags allow users to categorize content, join visual conversations, and broaden discoverability. In fact, effective hashtags can improve your brand's reach and engagement.

With over 500 million active users sharing 95 million photos using hashtags daily, exploring relevant hashtags can amplify the reach of content. Identifying the most effective ones can require some trial and error, but you must find the right ones to start with.

However, Instagram hashtag search has limitations. This is why we are here to assist you. We will cover effective techniques for multiple hashtag searches on Instagram using tools beyond the Instagram app. 

Let’s get started.

What Makes Multiple Instagram Hashtags Important?

Using multiple hashtags on Instagram posts assists users in categorizing, discovering, and tracking content on the platform. However, using multiple related hashtags elevates the content’s effectiveness significantly. 

If you are thinking how then take a look at the pointers below to gain complete clarity.

  1. Wider Reach And Discoverability

Using a variety of relevant tags connecting to different communities expands the reach and discoverability of content. Individual posts can potentially be viewed by audiences from multiple interconnected topic circles, increasing engagement chances. 

Leveraging synergistic hashtags in your beautifully created content will make your business more discoverable on Instagram and other search engines that support cross-tag queries.

  1. Effective Branding And Community Building

Effective use of hashtags in branding enables brands to create a cohesive brand identity, gather communities around specific interests, conduct consumer research, and reach wider demographics. 

By strategically selecting and consistently utilizing hashtags, brands can amplify their brand messages, foster engagement, and establish a strong online presence that resonates with their target audience.

  1. Trend And Viral Moment Monitoring

Monitoring diverse but interlinked tags helps track evolving discussions and identify viral hashtags around common topics. Staying updated about trending labels also helps one remain relevant. 

Strategists benefit from analyzing content patterns across multiple interest-oriented communities. Early adoption of rising tags boosts posts’ visibility during peak moments.

  1. Audience Targeting And Retargeting

Multi-hashtag inclusion supports interest-based audience targeting. Creators can deploy tailored content plays to individuals based on their engagement across various topical groups. 

Retargeting relevant cross-tag followers with new posts keeps brands top-of-mind. Location-based tags further aid geographical targeting.

  1. Content Categories And Archives

When it comes to businesses, using descriptive tags through multiple hashtags offers several benefits. Firstly, these tags enable easy categorization and archiving of posts, allowing both creators and viewers to navigate through organized content effortlessly.

This enhances the user experience and ensures that valuable posts are not lost in the vast sea of social media. 

So, this shows how using multiple relevant hashtags extends the reach and visibility of Instagram content to wider interest-based groups. 

Now, the question is, can we really find multiple hashtags on Instagram apps?

Let’s find out!

Can You Search Multiple Hashtags On Instagram App?

While the Instagram app exclusively allows viewing one hashtag feed at a time, savvy users employ hacks. They follow an assortment of relevant hashtags to view new uploads from their fused networks' timelines. 

Creators include secondary tags in bios revealing associated content viewable via their profile. External search engines support querying Instagram using multiple hashtags and keywords together for enhanced cross-tag discovery.

Despite hashtags’ critical role, the Instagram app only permits searching one hashtag at a time through filter options. Viewing correlated hashtags’ feeds separately discourages a consolidated perspective. 

Key Restrictions Include

  • No advanced search filters for tagging multiple terms together.

  • No operator support for combining hashtags through ‘AND’ or ‘OR’ logic.

  • Not possible to save preferred hashtag combinations for regular reference.

  • Difficult tracking evolving discussions spanning related communities.

  • Fragmented navigation through disconnected feeds hampers context.

There is no specific way to efficiently search for multiple tags on Instagram. Third-party hashtag query tools bridge this capability gap by integrating advanced filtering operations.

Tips On How to Search Multiple Hashtags On Instagram

There are different ways to maximize hashtag utilities for content discovery and community engagement. We have discussed the steps below to make them clear. Let’s get started.

1. Search Multiple Instagram Hashtags with Google

Google can help you search multiple Instagram hashtags using a couple of tricks, and we have it covered below. Read on.

  • Utilizing the search operator

Entering "" before tags restricts results to Instagram. For example, "puppies #dogs #pet" shows photos using both hashtags.

  • Expanding the search to include keywords from captions and bios

Removing hashtags helps find contextually appropriate content beyond those labels. The search "cute animals -#puppies -#kittens" displays images with those words in captions/bios.

2. Follow Multiple Hashtags on Instagram

Following relevant hashtags helps you view new posts from across multiple topic-centric communities in one place. This synthesis of fragmented conversations provides a well-rounded perspective on Instagram Search for Hashtags.

Benefits of Following Hashtags

Take a look at how following hashtags can make a big difference:

  • Staying Up-to-date With Hashtag Trends: Hashtags cluster content around themes, making it easy to keep track of evolving discussions. By following related tags, users can view new posts from diverse communities in one feed. 

  • Discovering Users Who Use Specific Hashtags: Different communities may use specific descriptive or localized tags to group content. By monitoring such labels, users can find new creators catering to their interests who might not otherwise be discoverable. This aids in network expansion.

Now that you understand the benefits of following Instagram hashtags, it's time to learn how to do it correctly.

Steps to Follow Hashtags on Instagram

The pointers below discuss all the necessary steps to follow to find the relevant hashtags on Instagram according to your needs.

  • Step 1: Accessing the Search Icon on Instagram
    Tapping the search icon situated in the bottom navbar opens the search & discovery panel. This allows for finding hashtags of interest.

  • Step 2: Instagram Search for Hashtags
    Typing the hashtag into the search bar pulls up related posts. For example, searching ‘#photography’ displays photos tagged as such.

  • Step 3: Filtering the Results to Hashtags
    A filter button can be used to arrange results by different criteria. Selecting the ‘hashtags’ filter isolates relevant tags for following.

  • Step 4: Following a Hashtag
    Tapping the ‘follow’ button on a hashtag allows subscribing to its feed. New posts will appear in the user’s home timeline.

  • Step 5: Repeat the Process for Other Hashtags of Interest
    By iterating through desirable tags, multiple communities can be followed at once for a consolidated content-viewing experience.

3. Find Relevant Instagram Hashtags

Hashtag generators automate the search for multiple tags on Instagram for campaigns and topics. They analyze popularity patterns to recommend optimized labels, helping reach intended audiences. Some free options include:

  •  Introduction to Instagram Hashtag Generators

These tools estimate hashtags performance based on popularity metrics. They help identify untapped niche tags and quantify reach potentials of existing labels.

  • Free Instagram Hashtag Generator Options

Several Instagram hashtag generators are available for free to analyze the hashtag ecosystem. They suggest tags correlated with provided keywords, interests, or location filters. 


Some monitor real-time trends as well, which can make it easy to build engaging content.

Final Thoughts

So, the Instagram app does not natively support efficiently searching multiple hashtags together. It is important that you consider opting for third-party hashtag query tools that integrate advanced filtering operations to bridge this capability gap. 

Making the most of the above-mentioned solutions maximizes Instagram search for multiple hashtags for content discovery and community engagement. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

As per the update, Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post. However, overstuffing the content with hashtags is certainly discouraged. An optimized range is 15-25 hashtags.

If you are looking for something other than Google, support cross-tag queries includes Bing and Yahoo. In fact, regional search engines may also enable this functionality.

Creators should refresh 20-30% of underperforming tags every 6 months based on the latest engagement metrics. Outdated labels lose effectiveness over time

Hashtags work in Instagram Stories captions but not actual frames. They also feature in IGTV videos, Reels, comments, captions and bios.

Unique niche tags aid discovery within small interested communities, but universal labels reach broader audiences. A balance is optimal to gain maximum out of it.

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Written By Lucas Dupont

Lucus is the in-house Twitter expert we have at He is a 360-degree Twitter expert and looks after Twitter from top to bottom. From trending hashtags, algorithm surges, new challenges, analyzing Twitter content, and curating matching ones, he's been handling the entire planning and implementation process for Twitter at He also supports and guides the content team in crafting appropriate Twitter content for the website.

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